Heart of a Rebel Read online

Page 15

  I knew he’d make them pay, if I didn’t do it first. When the news came it was a hard day for my family. I was relishing in the fact their blood had been spilled and my woman was conflicted. She knew it was bound to happen, but despite what they had taken from us, they were her brothers.

  Giving her comfort while she grieved wasn’t in any way meant to disrespect Grim, or the memory of Baby and Colt. It was simple...Chelle Belle was hurting and I was her shoulder.

  I want to be her everything. I want to give her everything and more. Bending down I caress her stomach hoping to feel the baby kick. This kid is stubborn. We don’t even know the sex this time. The technician never can get a good enough angle to tell.

  Chelle doesn’t mind the wait and being surprised, but if it is a daughter, I need to prepare myself for another female in the house. Between Chelle and Miracle, it is already like having two wives. Miracle is very attached to me; she is very much a daddy’s girl. She even gets jealous when Chelle and I hug and kiss.

  My mother swears it is going to be another boy. She laughed when I told her, “I hope she is right, I have my hands full enough.”

  “Do you want me to take Miracle to school so you don’t have to get out?” I offer knowing Miracle loves it when I drive her instead. I try to make sure I give Axel and Miracle equal alone time with me but sometimes I can’t.

  “You know she would much rather ride with you than on the bus. I can’t blame her though. You are much nicer to look at than Ralph.” She teases.

  “Give me some sugar.” I demand getting ready to go out the door.

  She raises from her rocking chair to meet my lips. Her fingers lace through my hair as my hands cup her fine ass. God, I love the curves being pregnant has given her. She moans and bites my lip, coming back in for one more kiss.

  “Bite me again and Miracle is going to be late for school.” I threaten.

  “Don’t tempt me,” she whispers against my lips.

  “Dad!” Miracle shouts tapping her foot, hands on her hips. “I’m ready, let’s go.” She is so impatient.

  Stepping away from Chelle I shrug. “Tonight.” I waggle my brows and she shakes her head.

  Yanking Miracle’s braid on the way out the door I tell her, “Last one in the truck gets a wet willy.”

  “Gross!” She shrieks trying to run past me.

  I laugh grabbing my keys from Axel who is trying to shove them in my riding boots by the door.

  “Nice try buddy, but daddy has to go make some money to keep your mommy over there up in pretzels.”

  “Ha ha, very funny.” Chelle Belle gives me a pointed look.

  It’s true though the woman eats pretzels like the damn things are about to go off the market and she’ll never get another. She has craved them through this whole pregnancy.


  “I swear if this kid doesn’t come out soon, I am going to evict it,” I tell Foxie.

  She came over to watch Axel while I run some errands. I swear I can’t take him anywhere without him getting into something. He’s wicked as a striped snake. The last time I took him to the grocery store he turned over a candy display. At two, the kid is a little brute.

  “Well if your stomach drops any lower it will be touching your knees.” She observes with a curious expression. Her hands press against the bottom of my stomach, moving upward towards my ribs putting pressure on the baby. “It won’t be long; he or she is in position. You sure you don’t want me to go to town for you?”

  “I should be fine.” But once I walk out onto the porch my water breaks soaking my shoes.

  “Mommy pee, mommy pee!” Axel shouts pointing at me.

  Foxie grabs my hospital bag from my bedroom and helps me put on clean dry shoes. I couldn’t have asked for a better mother-in-law. Well technically Rebel and I haven’t gotten married yet, but we live as if we are.

  Foxie is such a strong woman. I admire her so much. She doesn’t care to tell me the truth even when I don’t want to hear it, when it comes to Rebel or anything really. I know I can talk to her about anything and she will advise me with my best interest at heart.

  I call Rebel on the way to the hospital and he insists that we bring Axel by to leave him with Grim. He has agreed to keep Axel and get Miracle from school so that Foxie and Rebel both can stay with me.

  Tread can handle the scrapyard with the help of Truth. I don’t know if either of them will ever settle down. They love to entertain a woman or two together from the whispers I hear around the Roadhouse when I attend the parties.

  I’ve not seen it with my own eyes, but I do wonder if there is something between Truth and Tread. I see the way Truth looks at him and it goes deeper than the brotherhood of the club or friendship. I asked Rebel about it once and he said I painted him a mental picture he’d rather not have burned to memory.

  My contractions are strong and close together when we reach Grim to give him Axel. Rebel takes over driving, holding my hand the whole way.

  His thumb brushes over my ring finger and he has a sad expression masked over his face.

  “What’s eating you?” I ask.

  “I was just thinking if something were to go wrong, you wouldn’t even have my last name.”

  Foxie clears her throat from the backseat in agreement.

  “It’s only a name,” I say confused by his sudden change of heart about our being married.

  “It’s more than that.” He confesses while we are stopped at a red light. “It’s a commitment to each other and our family. Don’t you love me Chelle?” he looks wounded and it tugs on my heartstrings seeing him appear so lost.

  “Of course I love you,” I say sucking in a deep breath as a contraction tightens my core. “But how about you get me to the hospital so I can deliver your child and then we can talk marriage, if it means that much to you.”

  “Look in the glove box.” He orders me as we pull into the turn lane for the emergency room.

  “I’ve been waiting for the swelling to go down in your fingers,” he says explaining the black velvet box in my hand.

  I can hear Foxie as she gasps from the back seat. My voice is stuck in my throat. I didn’t expect this from him. “How long have you had this?” I ask holding the box in his direction.

  “Since Axel was six months old I kept trying to find the right time or the right words, but the moment never felt right, until now.”

  Before I can say anything more, a nurse taps on the window. We are now parked in front of the double doors of the emergency room.

  As I am being wheeled though the doors, I give the box back to Rebel, so I don’t lose it and his face falls.

  “It isn’t no,” I tell him quickly. Pain shoots through my abdomen and I am rushed into delivery.

  Six excruciating hours later Harley Elizabeth Black is with us curled against my chest sleeping peacefully.

  Foxie left to go share the news with Grim and give him a hand in getting Axel and Miracle to bed. I miss my other two little mean asses, but having this moment alone with Rebel is priceless.

  “You never answered my question.” Rebel’s hand is resting over his pocket that contains my ring.

  “I don’t recall you asking me anything.” I challenge cocking my brow.

  He smiles and brushes his beautiful blond hair away from his face. “Chelle, I love you, you know that.” He goes down on one knee by my bedside and I feel faint. My heart skips a beat.

  “But what you don’t realize is you gave me a reason to live again, you gave me a million reasons to fight the demons that haunt me, when I have just as many reasons to give into them. I can’t imagine my life without you. I never want to spend a day apart from you. So I am asking this very important question and hoping you don’t break my heart. Are you ready to give your heart to me in return and spend your life giving me a reason to breathe?”

  “Rebel you have no idea what hearing you say those words means to me.” I try to choke back my happy tears. “I love you more than you could ever po
ssibly know. Every day I pinch myself and ask is this really my life. I have a gorgeous man who provides for me and fucks me like a stallion.” I smile and wink at him as he shakes his head at that omission.

  “I would have married you before now a thousand times over, but I wanted you to be sure.”

  “Two kids doesn’t prove that I am sure?”

  “No it doesn’t. Many men have children with women they don’t love.” He nods in agreement unhappy with the truth of my statement.

  “We are getting off track. Rebel not only did I want you to love me, but I wanted you to love yourself again and believe that you deserve the life you have been given with me. And I think you do so my answer is yes. Yes, I will marry you.”

  The ring only goes to my knuckle but once I lose more fluid it will fit. For now, I have it on a chain around my neck. Harley has her tiny fingers wrapped around it tightly as I breastfeed her.

  Foxie returns bringing Grim, Miracle and Axel with her, along with Tread, Truth and some of the other members of the club, to welcome Harley into the fold.

  Pink cigars are passed around in the waiting area as well as congratulations on our engagement. If Rebel had gotten his way, we would have been married five minutes ago right after he asked, but Foxie talked him into waiting and giving her the pleasure of planning a small ceremony.

  I have to say, Chelle Black does have a nice ring to it.



  Making love to my wife brings me pleasure and heartache. The feeling of being one with her is unexplainable, but knowing when I fill her with my seed that I can’t give her another child kills me. I know she wants that just as much as I do. I can provide her with anything she wants, but the thing she desires most—to have her stomach swollen with my child again.

  Every time I take her to bed, I make love to her as if we are making a baby. Karly grinds down on my cock as I palm her breasts.

  With one hand hooked around her back, I rise to claim her mouth. Her tongue intertwines with mine. She stills in my arms as I bite down on her lip.

  “What’s wrong, baby? Did I hurt you?” I ask unsure of what I did wrong.

  “Nothing is wrong. I just wanted to make this moment last a bit longer. I love the way you feel deep inside my walls, I can feel you rooted all the way in the chambers of my heart.”

  “I love when you get all poetic and shit.” I bite her lip again and lay her back on the bed, taking her slow and fast switching my tempo as she unravels beneath me.

  Her hips buck and her back arches off the bed, pushing us both up as we rock together. Her long slender fingers pinch and dig into my shoulders. Our bodies are bound together, only separating when we need to catch a breath. Sweat coats us both as our fevered skin blazes with passion.

  “I want you cumming all over my cock,” I grit out through tightened lips. Pulling out I flip her over and grip her hips driving into her hard and fast as she begs for more. My fingers circle her swollen slick clit, as my dick glides in and out of her sweet pussy.

  Karly bites down on the pillow muffling her pants as she does exactly what I want her to—cum for me.

  Giving her a moment to catch her breath after spanking her ass, I bite down on her shoulder and lay on my back waiting for her to return the favor.

  She slides down on my cock again fitting perfectly; her pussy was made for my dick. She fucks me nice and slow, allowing me to enjoy watching her body as her breasts rub against my chest. My balls are tight ready to release my load.

  She is torturing me now, rising up and down easing off my cock right when I am ready to blow. Having had enough of her controlling me, I take her in missionary style. If I don’t cum in her soon, I’ll die.

  Wrapping her legs around my waist, she holds me tight against her trembling body as she comes down from her orgasmic high. Her lips are pursed in satisfied “O” as I pump hard into her pussy needing my own release. With the heels of my wife’s feet digging into my ass, I shudder and shake, eyes rolling back in my head, seeing spots feeling euphoric.

  Lying beside her, I struggle to breathe, she about nearly killed me. Her pussy owns me.

  The guys at work know it too, they all call me pussy whipped and I tell them if they married a woman like I did they would be too.

  We have come far these past two years. We recently renewed our vows. Cole was my best man this time. It was bittersweet not having our Rebel family there to witness the pledging of our love the second time around. Well other than my cocksucker brother. I will never forgive him for what he did to me. He almost cost me my life and my family.

  I can’t put all the blame on him, but the motherfucker shot me in the goddamn head. That isn’t something I can take lightly, forgive or forget. Not to mention he tried to fuck my wife when she was at a low point grieving for me.

  Karly wasn’t innocent either but she has more than paid for her transgressions as have I. Fucking Chelsea was inexcusable but my wife has forgiven me.

  The past is behind us and I know that we are going to be just fine as long as we have our son and each other.


  Listening to my husband snore, I wonder how he will feel about the appointment I made with the surrogate agency. I am unable to carry a child but my eggs are still viable. I have been researching the idea.

  The thought of another woman carrying our baby makes me feel jealous. Knowing she will know what it feels like to carry a piece of my husband inside of her. But at the same time there will also be a piece of me there too and it isn’t like Nash would be fucking her.

  The doctor would implant her with an embryo. I know what I want and I want another baby with my husband. It isn’t that Cole isn’t enough. I want a daughter too. I have considered adoption. I know there are a lot of children in need of a good loving home, but if there is a chance that we can make another child together, I have to try.

  Nash’s hand stretches out reaching for me. I take his warm hand in mine holding it to my heart and a smile plays across his lips.

  “Good morning,” he whispers. Cracking his eyes open he presses his hard on against my thigh.

  “You can’t seriously be ready to go again?” I ask staring at his massive erection as he grins lazily.

  ‘”I can and I am.” He rolls over hovering on top of me, taking my exposed nipple between his teeth.

  Heat spreads over me, his nipping and sucking making me instantly wet.

  He eases his cock in my slit being gentle after our exhausting nigh of lovemaking, ever present as my thighs ache.

  He thrusts hard and then grabs the center of his back, howling in pain. “Muscle cramp,” he musters out hoarsely.

  I help him onto his side and offer to get him a warm compress. He settles for coffee instead. Cole comes barreling into our room a few minutes later jumping on the bed nearly causing his dad to spill his morning drink.

  “Can you take me for a ride on your motorcycle today?” He bounces excitedly. I think Cole loves to ride just as much as his father does.

  Nash takes him out for spin every weekend. The little shit gets to ride on his bike with him more than I do.

  “Let me get awake little man.”

  “All right!” he cheers pumping his fist in the air.

  “How about I fix your breakfast while you wait.” I lead him to the kitchen giving Nash some privacy and a moment to recover from his muscle spasm.

  He pulled something at work a few months ago, it gives him trouble from time to time, but I am proud of him. He refuses to take the pain medication the doctor prescribed, unless he is left bedridden from the pain. He doesn’t want to become dependent on it considering his history with addiction.

  “What will it be?” I ask Cole what he wants me to fix for him as he sits at the counter playing with his Hot Wheels.

  “Pancakes,” he says with his tongue sticking out to the side as he concentrates on building a ramp for his cars.

  When Nash joins us at the table, I spring my idea on him for the surroga
te. He is taken aback by it saying, he wished he would have thought of it himself. I know he partly blames himself because I can’t conceive and carry a child.

  I have assured him that even though what he did to me was wrong and played a part, it wasn’t the only factor in my condition when I lost our child.

  Being able to give me another baby would ease some of the guilt he feels. I hope we are able to make it happen.

  Cole has gone to get dressed for their ride. He is growing up so fast.

  Nash wraps his arms around me offering me whatever it takes to make this happen for us. “I hate that I won’t see your stomach swollen with my child, but knowing that the baby that will be born is ours is all I need.” He kisses my cheek as tears roll down my face. His hand strokes my belly, outlining the stretch marks I have from my pregnancies.

  “I can’t change what’s been done, but I can make damn sure I never hurt you like that again.”

  “I know you won’t.” Turning into him, I nuzzle into his neck, listening to his heart, knowing it beats full of love for me.

  Cole comes running back through the kitchen with his leather boots and ripped jeans. “Are you ready to ride?” He asks his eyes dancing with excitement.

  I look at Nash shaking my head. You can take the boy out of the life, but you can’t take the life out of the boy. Cole has the heart of a rebel and the thought brings me joy and sorrow. I am happy that he loves the thrill of the ride. The open road holds so much promise but there is danger in the curves.

  I am struck with the thought of him someday finding out about his heritage. The idea of him becoming what we have fought so hard to protect him from terrifies me.

  Will he find the life on his own? Nash and I both agreed we would never tell him of our former life as bikers. But we both know the kid has it burning through his veins. It’s in his blood.

  I can only hope that we can steer him down a different road. One that leads to a good education and a healthy upbringing. That is the idea anyway.

  I watch as they back down the driveway in matching jeans and leather jackets. It is strange to see Nash on a Harley without a cut or a patch on his back.


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