Keeping The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston WV Book 4) Page 2
“We got a problem between us?”
“Not as long as you remember our arrangement. You start pushing Cloud Nine then I’ll burn this shit hole you call home to the ground with you in it. Got me?”
“Don’t know shit all about no Cloud Nine. I hear something I’ll give you a ring.”
“You do that.”
“Now if that concludes are business get the fuck off my property. Don’t bode well for business you sniffing around my lot.”
“Let’s go,” I tell Hound and East. We ride out. East veers off to go home. Hound stays with me till we get to the Devil’s Playground. “Prospect,” I boom as I walk through the door.
“Yeah, Prez?”
“Time to prove your worth. Head to the Kitty Kat and talk to the girls. Find out what they know about the dead girl and where she was scoring. I want names. Get with Viking. I want a pop-up drug test done on every single one of them. Any of them try to get out of it tell them to pack their shit and get gone. And, Rio?”
“You aren’t there to stare at no tits and ass. You fuck this up and you’re good as dead.”
“You can count on me.”
“Good that’s what I like to hear, son. Now get the lead out.”
Chapter Three
I finish running my flat iron through my hair, then touch up my makeup. I sense his presence and glance to the doorway through the mirror.
“You cut your hair?”
“You like it?”
“Looks damn good on you, babe, but hell you’d look fit as fuck no matter what you do.”
“Stop sucking up. It’s not getting you anywhere.”
“You sure you can’t cancel,” his gruff tone sends the good kinda shiver up my spine and back down it.
“Pam went to a lot of trouble putting this night together. She’s finally being nice to me. I’m not getting on her bad side again and dealing with her cold shoulder bitch routine for another twenty years.”
“Get that, Lex. C’mere.”
“I need to get dressed. If I come there, you’re going to kiss me, and we both know that it won’t end there.”
“Where you think it’ll end?” he grins knowing damn good and well where it ends.
“Exactly where you’d keep me if I’d allow it.”
“What can I say? I’m addicted to your pussy.”
“That all you keep me around for?”
“Like that mouth. No love that mouth. Them tits. That ass. My woman has it all, but most of all I love the way you love me, Lex.”
“Why you gotta get all sweet on me?” I take the two steps it takes to reach him. “Guess I’ll be late, huh?”
“Yup. Kiss me,” he orders, and I comply.
I touch my lips to his. James glides the tip of his tongue along the seam of my mouth demanding entrance. I give in even though I know he’s going to ruin my makeup and my hair. It’ll be worth it. My man always satisfies me, so I’m thrown off my game when he’s the first to break away.
“Thank you. Now go get ready.”
He licks his bottom lip rolling it inward. “Mhmm. Go on and get all worked up watching them strippers or whatever it is Pam has going on. Then when you’re ready, you call me, and I’ll fuck you.”
“You know most male strippers are gay and besides, you have something they don’t.”
“And what’s that?”
“My heart. Your ink on my skin. And...” I trail off and bring his hand to my stomach. His eyes go big and round. “I found out something today.”
“What’s that,” he croaks.
“Sooo, I thought I was going to wait to tell you, but I got to talking with the girls at the salon today and planning our wedding around my period came up. Then it hit me. Honey, I should’ve started last week. I didn’t. So one of the girls went and got me a test. I took it.”
“Guess your swimmers and my eggs like each other as much as we do. I’m pregnant.”
“Fuck,” he mutters and a tear forms in the crease of his right eye. “You being real with me?”
“I wouldn’t fuck with you, not about this.”
He nods and tucks my head into his chest, embracing me tight enough to cut off my airway.
“Can’t breathe, James.”
He eases up. “You tell anyone else yet?”
“No. Wanted you to be the first to know.”
“Good. Keep it that way for now. You can tell Wylla Mae if you think she can keep it to herself.”
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing for you to be worried about. Club business.”
“Must be something if you don’t want me announcing this pregnancy. I can’t live with secrets, James. I won’t do a repeat of the past twenty years. There’s always something or someone coming between us.”
“This is different. Less you know the better but there’s some trouble with the Dry Ridge Sinners moving back in with Cloud Nine.”
“Yeah. I’m trying to get to the bottom of shit before it gets out of hand. Been losing dancers at the Kitty Kat to that demon. This last one left two kids with only the grandma to raise’m.”
“That’s terrible.”
“It is. That’s why I’m asking you to hold off until this is under control. I don’t think you’re in danger but...”
“I could be,” I finish for him. “I’m no stranger to the life. To your life. I know what I signed on for.”
James grabs both my arms and squeezes me. “I know you did, but I’ve put you in harm’s way one too many times. I won’t lose you or jeopardize this baby.” He stares at me long and hard.
“Maybe I shouldn’t go out tonight.”
“No. That’s not what I meant, babe. I want you to go and have a good time. Like I said you don’t need to worry. Club will take care of the problem and exterminate the infestation. I don’t want to intrude on your night. Though you should know I’ll have one of my men keeping an eye.”
“Should call you dream maker, Lex. Cause you sure as fuck makin’ all mine come true.”
“If you get any sweeter, I’m going to think you’re an alien.” I lean up to kiss him. Then I look at the clock and scream. “I’m going to be late.”
“Thought we already established that.” Lacing his fingers through mine he walks me toward the closet. “I’m going downstairs because if I don’t, I’m going to strip you out of this robe and celebrate you having my baby.”
“Where have you been? Pam glares at me as I squeeze between Wylla Mae and Jules.
“I got held up.”
“Mhmm,” she says on a groan. “Time to catch up. These are for you.” She slides three shots in my direction.
I shake my head. “I’m not drinking.”
“And why not?”
“You know watching my figure and avoiding carbs. I gotta fit into my dress.”
“You ain’t ever been big a day in your life other than your chest and backside.”
“Ease up, sister,” Jules cuts in.
Pam narrows her eyes on me. “You’re lying. Out with it.”
“It’s nothing. I don’t want to drink. Geez. Get off my ass.”
“Mom has never been a big drinker.”
“Thank you, sweetheart. I’ll be fine with a water.”
“What kind of lame ass party you think this is? I got a reputation to uphold. Unless.” Her eyes widen and her lips stretch into a devious smirk. “He knocked you up, didn’t he?”
I shake my head. Damn Pam and her meddling and always in everyone’s business. “We can have a good time without getting shitfaced.” I swirl my straw around in the ice water my daughter pushed in front of me.
“If you say so, but this is a kid free night mind you, and I intend to take advantage.”
“My not drinking isn’t
stopping you.”
“It’s no fun to drink alone.”
Wylla Mae chews on her bottom lip and Jules looks away.
“What’s with you two?”
“Go ahead and tell her,” Pam presses then downs the shots I refused.
Jules sips her Coke. “Roane and I are having another baby. I wanted to wait until after the wedding before I said anything.” A sheepish smile crosses her features.
“And you?” I turn to my daughter.
“Um. You see...what happened was...”
“Pfft. We know what happened,” Pam cuts her off with a snort. “East couldn’t wait the six weeks after Mila was born for her to start birth control and went and knocked her up again.”
“Seriously? I thought you were planning to go back to school. I’m going to kill him. What about your plans?”
“I can still go back.”
“And who is going to be changing all these diapers while you’re at school? I tell you who it won’t be is me.”
“Wow. Some things never change.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. I’m just stressed from the wedding,” I lie. What the hell were James and I thinking? Wylla Mae still needs me. What will people think? Mom and daughter pregnant at the same time? I know what James will say. Fuck them. Who cares? I shouldn’t care. It’s stupid. I deserve to be happy. We deserve to be happy. “I’m pregnant too,” I blurt out. “But you can’t say anything yet. James wants to wait.”
“Fuckin’ knew it,” Pam mutters then she smiles big at me. “You bitches are gonna get on my damn nerves. I need new friends. Probably planned this shit together. Don’t think I don’t know the two of you go shopping and shit without me all the damn time.”
“You’re unbelievable,” Jules starts.
“I know I am. Link says the same thing every time I give him head.” She cackles.
“I’m starving.” I change the subject and pick up a menu. “Tonight calls for steak.”
“Now that we can agree on.”
“How are things coming along with the new house?”
“It won’t be ready until summer and James is driving me crazy at my house. The man is worse than a child. He never puts the toilet seat down and leaves the cap off the toothpaste. He leaves his deodorant on the sink. But it’s not all bad. He does the dishes.”
“And fucks you morning, noon, and night from what I hear.”
“Yes, there is that.” I grin.
“Eww. I don’t want to hear about your sex life with my father.”
“We need to plan how we are crashing Murder’s bachelor party,” Pam cuts in. “I was thinking we bring her out of one of those fake cakes.”
“Alexa pops out of a cake naked in front of his men Murder will kill us all,” Jules says.
“You aren’t wrong,” I mutter and take a long drink of water.
“Ya’ll are no fun.”
“Who is keeping the kids?”
“Link’s sister and her girls,” Pam announces.
My brows knit. “I didn’t know he had a sister.”
“You got a lot to learn about your husband’s men.” Pam grins. “But don’t worry I got you.”
I don’t know what to make of Pam. She always hated me, but she’s been really cool lately. Like maybe a certain cranky biker had a word with her or her man about her treatment of me. Either way I’m glad she’s being nice, even if it does kind of scare me.
Chapter Four
“How was your little shindig with the girls?”
“It was good.”
“Didn’t stay very long.”
“Well about an hour into dinner Wylla Mae was getting nauseated and Jules and Pam needed to relieve Link and Roane from baby duty. And there’s the fact that both Jules and Wylla announced they are pregnant again.”
“Fuckin’ hell. Need to invest in diapers. You tell them?”
“Yeah, but they won’t say anything.”
“It’s okay, babe. Couldn’t hold that shit in either and told East. Called Lily.”
“You think it’ll be weird?”
“What?” He opens his arms to me as I kick my shoes off. I drop onto my as he calls it ugly, mustard, baby shit colored couch and into his arms.
“Wylla and me pregnant at the same time?”
“Not gonna be the first or last time it’s happened. You really care what anyone thinks?”
I smile and curl into his side. “No.”
“Are you happy about it?”
“Yes and no.”
He stiffens.
“I thought she’d want to take time to return to school.”
James relaxes. “She has her own path, gotta let her travel it.”
“Did you say something to Pam or Link?”
His mouth twitches. “I may have told Pam she needs to cool the ice bitch routine. Not a good look. Told her you’re my woman and she needs to respect that.”
“Babe, Pam knows she was wrong about you.”
“Why do you seem to always say the right thing lately?”
“Comes with age.”
“Is that what these are...wisdom whiskers?” I tug on a patch of grey in his beard.
“Should I dye it before the wedding?” He grins.
“No way. It’s sexy.”
“How sexy?” Angling his head toward mine, he comes in for a tender kiss.
“This sexy.” I push his hand down the front of my pants.
“Is that so?”
“Mhmm. Those strippers Pam hired were hot.”
“What strippers?” he growls. “Hound said you only had dinner.”
“You spying on me?”
“More like protecting you.”
“I like that you look after me.”
“How much you like it?”
“About this much.” I pinch my fingers together, taunting him.
“Gonna spank your ass for that.” James shifts to grab the remote control to switch the Tv off.
“You promise?” I bat my lashes.
“That’s for me to know and you to find out. Let’s get ready for bed.”
“You don’t want to fuck me on my ugly couch?”
“Hmm. Suit yourself. I’m tired and the second my head touches the pillow I’ll be out.”
“Guess I need to get creative. Fuck you against the wall. On the stairs. Bathroom sink. Lots of places I can fuck you, pretty girl.”
My cell phone buzzes. “Hold that thought.” I answer the call without looking at the number. “Hello.”
“Alexa, it’s your mother.”
“Hey,’s kind of late.” I glance at James knowing he won’t be happy she’s interrupting, though it isn’t as if she ever calls me much these days.
“It’s your father. He’s had a heart attack.”
“I’m...I. Is he okay?”
“He wants to see you.”
“Why? After all this time. There is nothing left to be said between us.”
“You owe him this.”
“I don’t owe either of you a damn thing. You lied to me. To James.”
“You were a stupid girl then and you’re still stupid now. Heard you two were getting married.”
“Is that why you’re really calling? To tell me you don’t approve? Well guess what? I’m having his baby. We’re happy and there isn’t anything that you or anyone can do to change that.” I hang up on her. There’s nothing left to say. They can’t hurt me anymore. I’m no longer that scared little girl aching for someone to love her. I have people who care about me. People who love me for me.
“The fuck was that about?”
“My egg donor. Apparently my, if you can call him one, my father has had a heart attack. He would like to see me.”
“You aren’t going anywhere near those toxic fucks.”
“Not planning to.”
“You don’t need’em. You never did.”
“I don’t want to talk about them. Not
hing is going to spoil this for us. You make me so happy, honey.”
“Let’s get you naked so I can make you come.”
“I’m sorry, but she killed the mood.”
“Don’t be sorry. Hate that they still get to you after all this time, but you want to talk about it I’m here.”
“I know I shouldn’t care.”
“Nope. You shouldn’t. If I could go back, I’d take those sorry excuses of parents you got saddled with and put to ground for all the terrible shit they put you through.”
“All that bad I went through has been worth every moment of good I’ve had with you and Wylla Mae. And now this new life we created.” I touch my belly, and James goes all soft in the eyes. “They don’t get to exist in our lives. Neither of them matter. Only us.”
“Only us,” he agrees and kisses me. His tongue invades my mouth, hot and wet full of love. Skimming a finger along the curve of my cheek, he carves a path down my neck. “No more talking. Get naked so I can fuck you, babe.”
“You said no couch.” I smirk.
“You mention this godforsaken couch one more time I’m gonna set the motherfucker on fire. Silence.” He presses a finger to my lips, and I suck it between them, earning me a deep throaty growl that has me quivering.
There’s nothing sexier than the sounds my man makes when he’s turned on. All primal and possessive like he’s the damn king of the jungle.
“I gotta tell you again to hush neither of us will be happy.”
I nod and bite my tongue.
“Good girl.”
Chapter Five
“That’s it, Lex.” Jesus. My woman knows how to please her man. I grip her hair and give it a yank as she takes me to the back of her throat. Hot and wet her tongue caresses my cock as she sucks me harder and deeper, taking all I have to give until she gags on me. Tears gather in the creases of her eyes, but my baby is no quitter.
Her slender fingers stroke the end of my shaft.
She sucks me harder and harder, keeping her fingers in tempo with the sweet licks of her tongue against my skin. Soft, wet, and warm her mouth is a close second to her pussy.
“Good girl,” I praise her, earning me a gurgle of pleasure.
Her gaze meets mine. Tender and sweet yet heated.
Fucking beautiful. I brush away her tears and ease from her mouth. “Ride me.” I settle back on the couch and she straddles me, sliding down on my length. Her heat wraps around me, and I already want to come. There’s nothing better than the feel of her. Both hands on my shoulders she rocks into me with precision, rolling her hips so I hit her in the right spot. She gives it to me, and I throw it right back.