Tempting The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Book 3) Page 12
“Do you have any idea how adorable you are when you’re mad?”
“I’m not mad. I’m hurt and tired. There’s a difference.”
I stroke her loose hairs that fell from her bun away from her face. “Listen to me, I’m not a man that shares his emotions easily. I have a lot on my mind, but I shouldn’t be making you feel like shit. You being pregnant, it’s not ideal. I won’t lie to you. It doesn’t mean I don’t care about you. That I don’t fucking love you. I never planned on having any more kids. But this baby didn’t ask for my fucked up shit and neither did you. We’ll take it one day at a time.” I press my hand to her belly. My heart hammers in my chest. Alexa smiles at me, and I wish my worry would ease, but it’s there in the back of my mind, lurking like an enemy waiting to strike.
“One day at a time,” she agrees softly.
“How about this day, you get naked.”
“Ugh.” she rolls her eyes. “Is that all I am? Your first stop on your way home when you want to get your dick wet?”
“Fuck. I can’t win with you today.”
“I don’t want to fight, James.”
“Then stop nagging me to damn death. If I wanted my ass chewed, I’d go home to Ruthie, but I came here to you.” I move in, crowding her space. “Kiss your man, Lex.”
Her lips part, and I smell the chocolate she was eating when I first got here. “Are you my man?”
“Yeah, babe. I’m your man.”
Arms going around my neck, she launches herself into my arms and cries into my chest. Fuck me. I hold her close, breathing her in. We stay like this for what seems like hours. Me just holding her, giving her light touches, and gentle kisses until she calms down. Her tears stop and my heart cracks because I know I will never be able to give her what she wants. What she deserves. A man who can devote his all to her. I’ll try like hell to be that man for her, but I have my club. I have my wife and daughter.
She’ll never be first. Not until I get my shit straight.
“Go for a ride with me.”
Alexa swipes her thumbs under her eyes. “Is that a good idea?”
“It’s dark. Come on.”
She smiles big and my heart skips two beats. There’s never been anything prettier than when she smiles at me. “There’s my pretty girl.”
“I’ll change.”
“Wear your boots.”
Alexa and I ride through downtown Charleston. Her arms wrapped around me. Her tits smashed into my back. I squeeze her knee when we roar toward the clubhouse. “I need to make a stop.”
I’ve not brought her back here since the shit that happened with Lion. Not since I became Prez. I pull through the gate and give Grudge a chin lift. He shakes his head but keeps his mouth shut when Alexa takes off her helmet.
“This won’t take long.” I lead her inside, I motion for Nickel to follow, and we go straight to my office ignoring the whispers and stares. Let them fucking talk as long as they don’t say shit outside of these walls or to my wife. Alexa needs to know that I trust her. My club needs to realize she’s part of my life.
“Sit.” I look to Alexa, and she drops her ass into my chair. I stand behind her and Nickel sits across from us. “What’s the word on the Dry Ridge Sinners?”
“They’re stirring up trouble with Grim and his boys in Kentucky. Heard Rebel is involved with Lil’ Bit.”
“Not our concern. With Lion gone, it looks like they’ve got other interests to keep them occupied.”
“I agree. Anything else?” he grins at Alexa, and I want to knock that smug smirk off his face.
“Eyes off her tits. Alexa is pregnant.”
Nickel whistles. “You don’t waste no time, do you?”
“When I’m out of town I want eyes on her. Got me?”
“I hear ya, man. I’ll look in on her.”
“Good and I don’t need to tell you that this stays between us. Don’t need Ruthie catching shot of it and pulling one of her stunts.”
“Cool. Cool. Always a pleasure, Alexa.” He winks at her, and I want to gouge his eyes out. Nickel sees himself out before I knock his head off his shoulders.
I spin Alexa around in my chair bracing my palms on the arms of the black leather armrests. “You’re leaving again?”
“Can’t say for sure, but I’m trying to work out a deal for some extra income. Got a baby on the way. Shit ain’t cheap.”
“This your way of saying we’re in this together?”
I shouldn’t fill her head with false hope, but where Alexa is concerned, I can’t seem to think straight. All I want is to be with her and soak up the light that shines so bright within her. She’s good and sweet. And the demon inside me is drawn to her like a moth to a flame wanting to possess and control her in every way.
“I’m saying I gave you my word, and I intend to keep it. I’m working out the rest. You want my honesty. There it is.”
“I hear you.”
“I know it’s not enough for you, but I’m getting there, Lex. I’m trying.”
“That’s all I want.”
“Good.” I dip my head to kiss her. The instant her tongue touches mine I go rock hard like a damn schoolboy seeing naked tits for the first time.
“Now what?”
“Now I’m going to bend you over this desk and fuck you.”
“You think so. What if I say no?”
“Then I’ll try to convince you.”
“And if I still say no?”
“You planning on denying me of what’s mine?”
The left corner of her mouth twitches. “I’m still deciding.”
“How about why you think about it I do this.” I drop to my knees and jerk her pants down. Alexa spreads her thighs for me opening the gates to my personal heaven. I devour her pussy like a man enjoying his last meal.
Chapter Nineteen
“Come on. You haven’t done anything fun in forever.” Rochelle pouts at me. “I can’t believe you actually came over. You always want me to come to your apartment.” She rolls her eyes. “Mom probably thinks you don’t like her cooking or something.”
“It’s not that. Your mom’s cooking is fine. I’ve just had a lot going on. I missed too much school where I had that stomach bug that wouldn’t go away, so I had to talk to my mom to have her withdraw me and sign me up for this online course so I can get a diploma.”
“You talked to your mom, how did that go?”
“Not great, but she came through for me for once.”
“That’s good.”
“So who is throwing this party and why should I go?”
“One of Colter’s friends. And no, it’s not Tanner though he will be there. He still thinks you’re hot.”
“Fine.” I don’t tell her that I only came over to see if her dad was home. He’s been gone more often than not. I know he’s negotiating a deal to bring in more money. I guess Lion made some bad investments that left the club on the brink of being broke.
“Yay.” Her hands clap together. “You’re not wearing that though, are you?”
I glance down at my yoga pants and pinch my oversized flannel that hides my growing baby bump. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” I frown.
“It’s a party not whatever this is.” She waves a hand down the front of me “You can wear something of mine. It’s not a big deal.”
“I can change on the way it won’t take a but a few minutes to grab something from my apartment.”
“Okaayyy.” Her brows draw inward. “You wear my clothes all the time.”
“I’ve gained a few pounds, it’s no big deal.”
“Colter should be here soon. I think tonight could be the night if you know what I mean.”
“Oh. You sure you guys are ready for that?”
“I don’t know. Maybe. We’ve been dating exclusively and he’s no virgin. Guys have expectations.”
“He’s not like pressuring you, is he?”
“No. He’s not like that.”<
br />
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” Colter is one of the good ones. “How about I help you get ready for your big night.”
“You sure you’re okay? You know if you want to talk, I’m here.”
“I’m good.” What I can’t say is oh by the way I’m pregnant. It’s your dad’s kid. We’re in love, and I hope one day you’ll be okay with us being together. I’ve imagined the conversation in my head a gazillion times. None of the imaginary scenarios I’ve created have ended well. Rochelle can’t know the truth. Not yet anyway.
“You’ve not mentioned the guy you were so hush hush about lately. You still talking or whatever?”
“Kind of...complicated.”
“This is the older dude, right?”
“Mhmm. He works out of town a lot so you know.”
“I thought you said he’s in college?”
“Did I?”
“When am I going to meet him? You haven’t even given me a name. I’m your best friend. If you can’t tell me about him, then maybe it’s not a relationship you should be in.”
“I don’t want to fight about this. You know how nuts my parents are. They’ll like have him arrested or something.”
“Can they do that?”
“I don’t think so, but the threat would do plenty of damage.”
“Well enough about this mystery guy. Tonight we’re having fun.”
“Woo. Fun.” I hold up a red V-neck shirt. “What about this with your ripped jeans?”
“You think it’ll look okay?”
“Colter’s a motorcycle man. He’ll love you in anything honestly.”
“Like you know a lot about motorcycle men.” She giggles. “Wait. It’s not someone in my dad’s club, right?”
“What makes you ask me that?”
“Nothing. It’s just I thought I heard Colter and his dad talking about you being at the clubhouse, but I must’ve heard wrong. Or maybe they were talking about a different Alexa.”
“Girls, Colter’s here,” Ruthie yells down the hall.
“Let’s go.”
“Ro, wait. Promise me you guys will use protection.”
“Yeah sure. I mean you and Todd must’ve done it like a million times without anything though, right? And you didn’t get pregnant.”
“Something like that,” I lie. I hate lying to Rochelle, but I don’t have much of a choice.
Colter barely speaks to me, and I wonder if he knows that I’m pregnant. We’re about to go out the door when James enters through the garage. I didn’t even hear his motorcycle pull up. Was he already here and hiding out there the whole time? His gaze meets mine briefly and I smile. He scowls at his shoes. Is he upset that I’m here?
“Where are you kids headed off to?”
“A party. We just gotta swing by Alexa’s first so she can change.”
He arches his brows at me, and I kinda do this weird shoulder lift thing while trying not to draw attention to myself.
“We don’t want to keep you guys. Your father and I are going to dinner. It’s the anniversary of our first date.” Ruthie grabs his hand and kisses his cheek.
My heart carves itself out of my chest. He’s taking her to dinner. That doesn’t sound like a man who is trying to leave his wife. I want to scream for Ruthie to stop touching him. To tell her that I’m having his baby, and that it’s me he loves and not her, but I can’t do that.
I can feel his gaze on me as I stare at the floor biting back my tears. Does he know that this is torment for me? Does he even care? His wife just ripped my heart out. This...us...our lies...its’ tearing me apart.
“We should go,” Colter says, and I’m grateful. I need to get out of here. I need away from Ruthie. James too, before I break.
“Happy anniversary,” I mumble and start out the door. I’m halfway to Colter’s Camaro when I hear my name.
“What’s my dad want with you?”
“The um car...the car I might get. I asked if he’d look at it for me.”
“Oh. Okay.”
I wait for Rochelle to get in and close the door before I turn back to him.
“What is it?”
“Where are you guys going?”
“Why do you care?”
“Lex, you know things are tense right now.”
I want so badly for him to take me in his arms and tell me everything will be okay, but I know he can’t. It’s agony to have him right here and yet so far away. I’m tired of pretending. “I don’t think I can do this. Watching you with her. Not be able to touch you when I want. I love you, but this is too much.”
“You know the score, babe.” He shoves his hands in his pockets.
“Yeah so why do I feel as though I’m on the losing team?”
He steps forward and I step back. My heart is hammering all the way up in my throat. If he touches me it will all be over. The truth will be exposed, and I’ll lose him and Rochelle forever.
Speaking of the wicked cunt. Ruthie steps into the garage. “Everything okay out here?”
I sniffle as he turns to face his wife wishing he’d make a stand and tell her he’s done with her, that he’s going to be with me, but he doesn’t. I don’t know if I’m angry or sad. “Have fun on your date. I hope you have an amazing night.”
“You girls be careful,” she calls out, and I look back just in time to watch her plant a big kiss on his lips. The same mouth that feeds me such beautiful lies. I want to ask her how my pussy tastes considering her husband loves it so much, but I refrain.
My only consolation is seeing him tense and pulling away from her, but it changes nothing. She’s still his wife, and I’m on the outside looking in. No matter what he says I’m all alone.
On the way to my apartment I keep trying to figure out an excuse to get out of going to this party and come up with none. Not any that Rochelle would buy or accept without pitching a shit fit, and I can’t blame her. I’ve been a bad friend lately. No friend at all. I hate all the lying. I hate not being able to share how much I love her father. That she’s going to have a sibling. That we’re connected for life.
I go through the motions. Nod when I think I should as Rochelle chatters about Tanner and how I should give him a chance while I get dressed, careful to keep my back to her.
“Maybe,” I lie. “I guess he’s okay.”
“Okay? The guy runs track. He’s hot.”
“You’re right. I’ll talk to him, okay?”
Rochelle frowns at me. “I don’t know what’s with you, but you gotta relax.” She takes a swig from her bottle of Strawberry Hill. She’s been drinking it since we pulled out of her driveway.
“I think I’m still not over that stomach bug.”
“Oh no. You aren’t canceling.”
“I didn’t say I was.” I slip my black ballerina style flats on, turning to face her hoping the swell of my stomach isn’t all that noticeable.
“Have a drink of this.”
“No thanks.”
Her eyes narrow on me. “Why?”
“Because I don’t want to.” I leave her in my bedroom and hope she’ll drop it. “What time does this party start anyway?” I look to Colter and he shrugs.
“You’re pregnant?” Rochelle gapes at me, eyes on my protruding stomach.
Her gaze widens. “You won’t drink. You’re gaining weight in your belly. You were sick but only in the mornings. Oh. My God. Alexa.” She grabs my bottle of vitamins I forgot were on the counter and rattles the contents.
“Ro, drop it. Please.”
“Admit it.”
“Say it. You’re pregnant.”
“It’s good for my hair and nails is all.”
“Don’t lie to me. You’ve been doing a lot of that lately.” She throws the bottle and the cap falls off. My pills scatter across the tile of the kitchen floor.
“Don’t be like that. You’re a hateful drunk
.” I bend to start picking up the vitamins.
“At least I’m not a liar.” She towers over me, venom dripping from her.
I peer up at her with tears streaming down my cheeks. “Yes. Fine. Okay. You caught me. I’m pregnant. My life is a mess. I’m barely holding it together. Are you happy now?”
“Who’s the father?”
“Please don’t ask me that. I don’t want to talk about this right now.” I wipe at my cheeks and stand to face her, abandoning the mess for later.
“Why is this guy you’re seeing such a secret? How old is he, Alexa?”
I look to Colter hoping he’ll I don’t know help me in some way. “I can’t tell you.”
“Oh my God. Is it...is it Colter?”
“No. No way. I’d never do that to you, and he wouldn’t either.”
“Is this why you two whisper behind my back? We’re supposed to be best friends. Best friends don’t keep secrets like this unless they have something to hide.”
“Babe. You know how I feel about you.” Colter goes to hug her, and she takes a step back. “Don’t shut me out, Ro. Alexa, you better tell her the truth right now or I will,” he threatens.
“So you know. You know who Alexa has been seeing for months, but me her best friend. I don’t get to know. Screw you both.” She grabs Colter’s keys off the counter and stomps toward the door while we chase after her. She enters the driver’s side, and Colter hops in the passenger seat. The car starts, and I can’t bear the thought of her mad at me. I can’t let her think that Colter and I ever would go behind her back. I slide into the backseat as she peels out of the driveway then slams on the brakes. “Both of you get out.”
“You don’t even have your license. Just a permit. Trade me places. My dad will kill me if he finds out you were driving my car,” Colter begs her. Rochelle hits the gas and swerves to miss a car parked on the side street.
“Rochelle,” I scream. “Okay. I’ll tell you. Just please stop the car.”
For some reason she speeds up.
“Rochelle. Stop the car.” I go for my seat belt, and Colter tries to reason with her. “You’re not thinking clearly, and you’ve been drinking. Don’t drive mad.”
“You’re both liars,” she screams.
“Colter hasn’t lied to you. He’s not to blame in this. Be mad at me. I’m the one keeping secrets and lying to everyone. I lie to you. Your mom.” I can’t hold back my fat tears as they roll down my cheeks. “I’m sorry.”