Taken By The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV, #6) Page 11
“That a threat? You don’t get your way, so you’ll go fuck someone else that it?”
“Well, you aren’t fucking me.”
The cold water sprays on the bitch. She shrieks and sputters.
Joanie stares at us wide eyed. Her gaze settles on me, and she shoots me an evil glare.
“What the fuck? Why is she here?”
Holy doesn’t answer. Instead, he wraps a towel around her. “Get dried off and dressed so we can talk.”
So they can talk? I stomp back to the living room. Fuck this. Fuck Holy. Soon as Viking pulls up, I’m gone. Nothing serious my ass. He can say whatever he wants but his actions are proving otherwise.
I’m not doing this. I won’t play second to his whatever she is. I stare out the living room window watching for my ride out of here. Maybe he’ll drop me at the bus station, or I can get a plane ticket home. I don’t care as long as it gets me out of here. Away from Holy and this fucked up mess.
Joanie is screaming and crying from the bathroom, but the next thing I know Holy has me bent over the back of the couch jerking my pants along with my underwear down to my knees.
“You wanted my attention, Hazel. You’ve got all eyes on you now, babe.” The palm of his hand curves to my right ass cheek, giving it a possessive squeeze. “Didn’t think I needed to prove a damn thing to you of all people.”
I lose his hand, but his breath is heavy in my ear.
Thwack. He spanks me and I bite my lip. “That what you need?” He spanks me again then kneads the tender flesh with his fingers. Thwack. He repeats the motion. “There’s no competition. No comparison. Not when it’s you up against anyone else. You’ll win out every god damn time, Honey Bee.”
I lose a touch of my attitude thanks to the stinging of my ass. “I don’t want her here,” I confess.
“Think I got that when you threw your tantrum.” He continues to rub my tender ass.
“It wasn’t a tantrum.”
Thwack. “Try again,” he grits in my ear.
“Okay. I got pissed.”
“Showed your ass.”
A motorcycle roars in the distance, signaling Viking’s arrival.
“Go to my room. Strip the bedding. There should be clean sheets in the hall closet to switch out with the dirty, then wait for me there.” He pulls my bottoms back up and the cotton of my undies rubs my stinging ass.
When I turn around that stupid bitch is standing at the edge of the hallway dripping water all over the hardwood flooring gripping a towel to her form.
I smirk as I pass by her, bumping her with my shoulder.
That’s right, bitch. He’s mine. I glare at her artwork on the wall that begs to argue.
She shoots me a sad smile. “He’ll do the same to you. Make you think you’re his world then drop you once he’s gotten bored.”
I try to ignore her warning but deep down I wonder if her words hold any weight.
Chapter Seventeen
Hazel moves off down the hall to the bedroom like I told her to, and Joanie stares at me sniffling. “Seriously, what the actual fuck were you thinking coming here and fucking up my shit?”
She drops the towel, showing off her only assets because there sure as shit ain’t anything going on upstairs in that head of hers. “I thought you’d see what I did and want to punish me for being such a naughty girl.” She starts toward me, and I glower at her in warning. She has a great body. Fucking perfect. Pale skin that turns a gorgeous shade of pink when pinched and spanked. But there’s one thing she’s not. Hazel. My wild and free Honey Bee.
Spent most my life thinking I’d never get her back. No way in hell this crazy bitch is fucking that up for me.
“Pick up the towel and have some self-respect. We need to get shit straight right now. I never led you on. Never promised you anything. Was it a dick move forgetting to tell you not to come to the wedding? Yeah, Joanie. It was shit of me, but that doesn’t mean you come to my house uninvited, break in, and smash my shit all to fuck. I meant what I said today. Hazel is someone I’ve always loved. Never thought I’d have her back, but I do. I won’t risk what I plan to build with her for anyone or anything. That’s a check you can cash.”
She secures the towel around her body. “It won’t last.”
“You don’t know anything about me other than we had a few good times. You don’t know how I like my eggs. My history. My favorites. My friends. I never asked shit about what you were into outside of how hard you wanted fucked. You know why that is?”
“You wouldn’t let me in fully.”
“There’s a reason for that. It was sex. I know it sucks to hear it, but that’s the truth of it. I didn’t see us going anywhere. You were a wet hole to get my dick wet in. Nothing more.”
“You invited me to the wedding. You must have liked me on some level.”
“Honestly. Knew I’d be drunk and horny and with a lot of visitors in town I needed to secure my own easy ass. Simple as that. You need to forget about me and live your life. Find a man who wants to give you what it is you imagined you’d have with me. A man who will treat you the way you deserve, because it ain’t ever gonna be me. Only one woman for me and she’s not in this room.”
Joanie appears on the verge of tears again, but Viking enters, and her spine straightens. I snort. “Jesus.” Bitch is a cut slut. Should’ve known. All she wants is a biker. Anyone who pays her any mind will do.
“Hazel ready to go?”
“No. Need you to take Joanie wherever she wants to go.”
“What the fuck happened here?” He laughs, gaping at the disaster that is my living room.
“Tell you about it later.”
“Yeah, and you fucking owe me.” His focus cuts to Joanie. “Baby doll, good as ya look in just that towel its cold as fuck out, and you’ll freeze to death riding like that.”
Hazel comes down the hall dressed in one of my tees hanging to her mid thighs. “Found her clothes by your bed.” She tosses them at Joanie. The clothes land at her feet. “Now get dressed and get the fuck out. You’ve worn out your welcome.”
Hazel stands at my side, and I pull her in close by the waist pressing my lips to her temple. “Such a brat.”
Viking shakes his head. “Joanie, get the lead out. I got shit to do.”
She snivels then trudges into the bathroom.
“Thanks, man. Appreciate it.”
“Yeah. Yeah. I’ll add it to your damn tab. Crazy bitch better not get any ideas because I’m giving her a ride.”
“Be careful your bike is the only thing you let her ride,” Hazel teases.
“Fuck no. I’ve had enough crazy this week to last me a while. Between getting drugged and now this shit. I’m more than good.”
Joanie reappears in her dress and heels. Bitch will still freeze but that’s not my problem. “I’m sorry about trashing your stuff. I won’t bother you again. Though I’ll need to get my car from down the street.”
Hazel snorts and I squeeze the back of her neck.
“I’ll drop you at your car and follow you to wherever you’re going. Only to make sure you get there,” Viking tells her, obviously wanting rid of her as quickly as possible. “Later.” He lifts his chin, and they leave.
I drop my forehead to Hazel’s. “Please tell me you got the bed made.”
“I did, but um do you have an extra toothbrush?”
“Top drawer of the cabinet. Help yourself. I’m gonna lockup and make sure that fruit cake can’t return to hack us up while we’re sleeping.”
“I wouldn’t worry. I mean I think you’ll be safe. She’ll want to get me out of the way so she can have you all to herself.”
“Then you better hurry to brush them teeth. Want to fuck you before Joanie kills you.”
“Mind if I take a quick shower?”
“You don’t have to ask.”
Hazel smirks and goes to the bathroom. I do a walk through checking the windows and doors, locking my shit up tight. I turn out the lights att
empting not to think about everything that will need to be replaced. Took me months to settle on that damn couch and not even had the damn thing a year. Fucking Joanie. Guess I know what Hazel and I’ll be doing this week.
Truth is I was hoping to sell her on living here with me. Being close to her mom and her family. Getting to know them. We aren’t off to a very good start. Biker wedding. Meeting family for the first time under less-than-ideal circumstances. Psycho fuck buddies breaking and entering. Vandalizing my property. If I were Hazel, I’d want to get the hell outta dodge too. Not letting her run though I probably should. This life isn’t pretty and ugly is all she’s ever known. I want to give her that beautiful life I promised she’d escape Hell to live. The hope I gave her was a garden that never bloomed till now.
In the bedroom I kick off my boots and strip out of my filthy clothes.
Hazel leans against the door frame watching me with heavy eyes and damp hair.
“Go on to bed. I need a shower too. I’ll do a breakfast run in the morning and recruit a prospect or two to get started on the mess.”
“Sounds good.” She crosses the room in my tee, and I love the sight of her here in my shirt. Her dark hair tumbling down her back in loose wet waves. Can’t wait for Roane to brand her body with my ink.
I cup her jaw. “I’m glad you’re here. Today didn’t go the way I wanted.”
“You mean you didn’t set all this up for me?”
“Forgot what a smart ass you can be.”
“Seems there is a lot you forgot.”
“That isn’t fair, babe.” I push her hair behind her ear. “When I get out of the shower you still gonna be here or do I need to cuff you to the bed?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“Love you, Hazel. Always have.”
“Why do I love you?”
“I need to hear it.”
I stroke her jaw with my knuckles. “Because you challenge me. You don’t make it fuckin’ easy, babe. Never did. You’re wild, but I don’t want to tame you. I want to possess that freedom that roars inside you and claim it for mine. Only mine. No one else gets that part of you. I do. That wild heart in your chest beats for me. Don’t deny it. You feel this thing between us. That force that makes you want to stay. Yeah. I collared and cuffed you, but you were free to go any damn time you wanted to. Gave me your wild and free when we were kids. Said it was mine for the taking. Gave me your body. Now I am asking you to give me the rest—your heart. Whatever your soul is made of I fuckin’ crave it. I want it all. So, tell me you’re not going to run on me. Just got you back and I don’t want to be without you.”
A tear rolls down her cheek. “You can’t say shit like this to me. It’s too much, Beni.”
“Mean every word.”
“I won’t survive losing you again.”
“Won’t ever happen.”
“The biker life is dangerous.”
“Can be, but not always. I get you got questions, and I have answers, but it’s been a helluva day.”
She nods. “Go shower. I’m not going anywhere.”
I kiss her forehead and hit the shower.
The events of the day take their toll and weariness sets in. I’m fucking beat.
When I finish Hazel is curled up in the middle of the bed. “And she sleeps,” I mutter to myself and slide in behind her. I don’t have to prompt her. The moment my head hits the pillow my woman rolls into me, head in the crook of my neck. My hand over her heart. Her sweet lips meet my skin, and it hits me all over again. That feeling of being home. Like nothing can go wrong. I hug her tighter and close my eyes.
She melts into me and whispers, “good night.” And yeah, despite the craziness of the day it is a good night because it’s ending with her right here where she’s always belonged.
I wake up alone, but I hear Hazel humming. She better not be doing what I think she’s doing. I roll out of bed, snag a pair of flannel pants off the floor, hit the bathroom, then I find her. She’s in my kitchen still wearing my tee but with a pair of my crew socks pulled up to her knees and her hair piled loosely on top of her head in a messy bun.
I lean a hip against the counter. “What are you doing?” She has a mop plunged into a bucket then washes the wall with it.
“What’s it look like?”
“Told you I’d get a prospect on it.”
“But I’m here. And what the hell is a prospect?”
“Babe, the whole fun of having prospects is getting to order them to do the shit you don’t want to. They’re a potential club member who is on probation.”
“Yup. Get over here.”
“Don’t make me tell you twice.”
“What happens if you tell me twice?” She sticks the mop back in the bucket.
“Can’t you just do as you’re told for once?”
“You’re a real pain in the ass, you know that?”
“Yeah, you just told me.”
“Woman, get your ass over here.”
This time she listens.
“What’s so important that I had to stop what I was doing to come to you? Have you taken a good look around you? Joanie really—”
I cap a palm over her mouth. “Don’t say that name. Never want to think of that nutter ever again.” I remove my hand from her lips.
“You can’t shut me up whenever you want.”
“No, but I’ll damn sure enjoy trying. Lots of ways to shut you up.”
Her brows arch. “Really.”
“Oh yeah.”
“Joanie.” Hazel grins and I kiss her, invading that smart mouth with my tongue. Her pulse quickens as I deepen the kiss, her tits press against my chest. Fuck me. This beautiful woman is all mine.
“You were saying?”
“I forgot.”
“Right.” I give her hip a squeeze. “Get dressed. We need breakfast.”
“You can go. I’ll keep working. Bring me something back.”
“I didn’t bring you here to clean.”
“No. Hmm. Why did you bring me here?”
“You know this is good. You not fighting me. Settling in.”
“Don’t avoid the question.”
“You know why I brought you here. Because you’re mine.”
“But what if I’m crazy like she who shan’t be named.”
“Then I’ll deal. This shit can wait. Clothes. Food.”
“I don’t have anything to wear. Someone. I don’t want to call you out or anything, but some dickhead wouldn’t allow me to bring anything so... I guess I’ll have to go naked.” Hazel whips the tee over her head and slings it across the room.
“Did I say to get dressed I think I meant get on your knees.” I walk to the living room and grab a ripped cushion. I toss it on the floor at Hazel’s feet. “Kneel.”
“Excuse me.”
“You heard me. Knees.” I drop the flannel pants I pulled on when I got out of bed. I grab my dick and give it a tug.
Haze’s pupils dilate and her lips part slightly. Like a good girl she complies, dropping her knees to the cushion.
“Palms to your thighs.” I continue to stroke myself while she watches.
One hand raises, fingers going to one of her nipples.
“Did I tell you to touch yourself? Hands to your legs. Eyes on me.” I grab a wooden spoon from the container on the counter. Hazel disobeys again, moving to touch her belly. I wrap a fist around her bun, jerking her head back. “Move again without permission and I’ll take this spoon to your ass.”
I stroke myself, daring her to move so I can dole out her punishment.
Chapter Eighteen
Down on my knees I shiver in anticipation for what my man will do. I don’t normally like a man telling me what to do but with Beni it’s different. It always has been. He turns me on. Makes me want to do things I’d never dream of with anyone else. I love him in cont
“This is as much about your pleasure as it is mine. Establishing boundaries. Finding what makes you uncomfortable and what makes you squirm.” He caresses my jaw with the wooden spoon he threatened to spank me with. I know he won’t do anything I don’t want. He’d never hurt me. Not physically. Not emotionally if he can help it.
With him I know I’m safe to explore my darkest desires. Safe to press his buttons and find out what makes him tick. What will push him over the edge of the control he’s so fond of when it comes to sex and intimacy. I’m eager to discover all the ways to drive him crazy.
He stands in front of me, cock jutting out proud. One hand stroking his length. I lick my lips wanting to taste him. Wanting to wrap my lips around him and suck. Wanting to please him. But I don’t dare attempt it. I wonder which of us will break first. Will I beg or will he shove himself in my mouth without remorse? I’ve never wanted anything more than to be his good girl. The only one he thinks about.
Piercing me with his gaze he continues to tease me. He’s achingly beautiful to behold. Tan skin. Dark ink covering his chest and both arms in full sleeves. That thick rope chain around his neck calls to me. I want it to dip between my breasts and slap against me when he fucks me. To brand me with his cross.
His ab muscles tense as he continues to taunt me.
I lower my gaze, staring at my twitchy palms resting on my thighs, itching to touch him and myself.
“Told you. Eyes on mine” The wooden spoon slaps against my nipple. “I think you like to misbehave.” He repeats the motion this time striking my other breast.
My cheeks warm. The sensation spreads down my neck and across my chest to my stinging skin. The thrill of what he’ll do next is a rush I can easily become addicted to.
“That it? You like to be a bad girl and get punished?” He whips the spoon across both nipples. It stings yet the pain turns me on. The spoon drops to the floor, and he rubs the head of his cock over my lips. “Open,” he demands, pressing his dick against the part of my lips.