Keeping The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston WV Book 4)
Keeping The Biker Glenna Maynard © 2021 all rights reserved
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual people, alive or dead, business, establishments, locals or events is entirely coincidental. Any reference to real events, business, organizations or locals is intended only to give the fiction a sense of realism and authenticity. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means – electronic, mechanical, photographic (photocopying), recording, or otherwise – without prior permission in writing from the author.
The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the word marks mentioned in this work of fiction.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Suggested Reading Order
Keeping The Biker
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
The Biker’s Lucky Charm
Taken By The Biker
Special Appearances
About Glenna
Available Now
Further Reading: You Wreck Me
~ To Brett~
My very own dream maker
Suggested Reading Order
The Biker’s Kiss
Lady & The Biker
Tempting The Biker
Keeping The Biker
The Biker’s Lucky Charm
Taken By The Biker
PROTECT: The club and your brothers come before anything else and must be protected at all costs. CLUB is FAMILY.
RESPECT: Earn it & Give it. Respect club law. Respect the patch. Respect your brothers. Disrespect a member and there will be hell to pay.
HONOR: Being patched in is an honor, not a right. Your colors are sacred, not to be left alone, and NEVER let them touch the ground.
OL’ LADIES: Never disrespect a member’s or brother’s Ol’Lady. PERIOD.
LOYALTY: Takes precedence over all, including well-being.
HONESTY: Never LIE, CHEAT, or STEAL from another member or the club.
TERRITORY: You are to respect your brother’s property and follow their Chapter’s club rules.
TRUST: Years to earn it...seconds to lose it.
NEVER RIDE OFF: Brothers do not abandon their family.
Keeping The Biker
Save the date. You’re invited to attend the wedding of Alexa and Murder, Royal Bastards MC style.
They said we’d never last. He was a married man. Off limits.
Now after all these years Murder is mine till death do us part. I’ll do anything to keep my motorcycle man. For him I risked it all and now comes the reward. His ink branded on my skin and his ring on my finger. Today is the first day of our forever.
Please note for best enjoyment the Charleston, WV Royal Bastards MC books should be read in order of release.
The Biker’s Kiss
Lady & The Biker
Tempting The Biker
Keeping The Biker
The Biker’s Lucky Charm
Taken By The Biker
Chapter One
“What’s wrong with my couch?” I stare James down.
“One, babe, it’s fuckin’ mustard yellow and reminds me of baby shit. Two, I don’t want to think about the possibility you might’ve fucked someone who wasn’t me on that ugly ass shit. Three, I want to spoil my woman with all new shit for our new place. Four, I don’t need any other reason, but if you need me to be convincing...” James grabs my ass, giving me a rough squeeze. “Why don’t you take these jeans off and let me get started on an early supper.”
“I mean, maybe you can persuade me to change my mind.” I smirk then kiss my man.
With his mouth still fused to mine, James maneuvers me onto the bed in his room at the clubhouse. He rolls over my body, pressing his weight down on me. “What ya got planned for tomorrow?”
“Mmm.” I stroke his furry jaw. “Nothing till dinner with Wylla and the girls.”
“Better not be no damn male strippers.”
“There could be. I don’t know what Pam planned.”
“Fuckin’ Pam,” he grumbles. “There’s gonna be naked men.”
“Well, there’s only one naked man I care about.” I slide my other hand along his bare shoulders. “Besides. You can’t tell me that you won’t have some clubwhore rubbing her shit all up on you.”
“They fuckin’ know better. Know I got me a fine piece of ass in my bed.” He grins and I scowl.
“Is that all I am?”
“Who said I was talkin’ ‘bout you?” He chuckles as I shove at his chest.
“You’re a real asshole.”
“Oh, pretty girl, you know I love it when you get mean and call me names. Makes me hard.” He thrusts his hips.
“Fuck off. Let me up.”
“Don’t think so.” My jerk of a man cups my breast. “Haven’t got to play with these yet.” He slides my shirt up over my bra and dips his head to capture one of my nipples with his mouth.
I bite my bottom lip because damn that does feel good, but then I remember I’m mad at him. “You’re cut off.”
“You gonna deny me of what’s mine?” he raises a brow giving me a funny look.
“Yup. I have stuff to do if you want me to marry you.”
“As if you have a choice.” James’s voice drops all husky and sexy.
“You keep pissing me off, and I won’t be there.”
“You’ll be there if I gotta hogtie you to the back my Harley.”
I roll my eyes.
His gaze softens. Those brown eyes of his hold me hostage under his stare. “Babe?”
“Yeah,” I whisper.
“You given any more thought to what we talked about?”
He’s been after me for the past few months to have another baby with him. I love James more than anything, but we’ve done that, and both failed miserably at the whole parenting thing. I’ve just gotten back to a good place with our daughter. We have a granddaughter to spoil. I’m selfish enough to want my man all to myself.
“I don’t want to fight with you.”
“Why does it have to be an argument? I’m asking you one last time. Whatever your answer is I’ll accept it and make my peace with your choice. All I am asking is yes or no. It’s simple as that.”
“It’s not simple as that.”
“Either you want to have a baby with me, or you don’t.” He rolls away from me to sit on the edge of the bed, going for his boots.
My stomach drops. I don’t want to fight.
“Honey...” I sit up and wrap my arms around him from behind.
His shoulders sag, but he drops his boots with a thump and grips my wrists. Dipping his head, he kisses both my palms. “I wanna know why you can’t give me a straight answer?”
“I don’t know. Part of me wants to give you anything you want, but do you really want to start over and raise another k
id?” I kiss the side of his throat. “Can’t we just see what happens. It’s not like you haven’t tried. Your pullout game is weak.”
“Nothing about my game is weak.” He twists around, shoving me back down. “Seems like you need reminding.”
“You gonna prove me wrong?” I quirk a brow at him. “When have you ever fucked me without coming in me, hmmm?”
“Sounds like a challenge.”
“I tell you what. My answer is if it happens it happens. I won’t try to prevent it. If it’s meant to be it’ll be.”
That earns me a flash of his teeth before he pins me to the mattress and strips me of my clothes. “Let’s find out how many times I gotta fuck you to knock you up.”
I don’t have the heart to tell him that I’m certain his swimmers aren’t as strong as they used to be or that his beard is sprouting some grey whiskers.
James makes quick work at teasing me with his fingers and mouth between my thighs. The wiry hair of his beard rubs over my sensitive skin. “Nothing better than this.” He grips my hips, holding me in place. “Don’t know what I did to deserve such an angel,” he murmurs.
“I’m no angel. But, babe, we’ve sure been through plenty of hell.”
It’s been months since we got rid of the toxic bitch who poisoned our lives for years. Part of me is still on edge waiting for Ruthie’s next move from beyond the grave. I’m getting all I ever wanted. I should be happy, and for the most part I am. And yet I keep waiting for it all to fall apart. For something bad to breeze into our lives and ruin all we’ve fought so damn hard to build.
Can it be this easy and natural? For so many years I fought for him to see me. To be with him. I dreamed of nothing but this only to have his wife at the time shoved in my face over and over again. Of course this was all due to bad timing and fucked up circumstances out of his control. I wasn’t innocent. I know I’ve done wrong. James is the only good I’ve ever had outside of being Wylla Mae’s mother. I don’t know how to accept that this is it. We’re finally proving everyone wrong. My parents—everyone who said we’d never last.
I’m days away from saying those two precious words. I do. This Valentine’s Day is twenty years in the making. No sneaking around. No stolen kisses. Random hookups.
This is freedom.
Me in his bed and him in mine.
No games.
Simply this.
I stroke his jaw. “I love you.”
“You better.”
“Do you doubt it?”
“Not even for a second.”
James gets down to business eager to make a baby.
I wish I could give him a son, but the thought is truly terrifying. I can’t go it alone a second time. Not that I think he’d walk out on me, but what if something else happens to take him away? I won’t survive losing him a second time.
“Whatever thoughts you got running through that overactive mind of yours, shut it down, Lex. If you got more on your mind than my dick right now, I gotta work harder.”
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” I shake my head and my man stops what he’s doing.
“Cold feet?”
“This baby business?”
“I’m scared.”
“I’ll never do a damn thing to hurt you again. Promise you.”
“It’s not that. Its everything else. You’re the President of an outlaw motorcycle club and yeah I’ve always known that and how dangerous it is, but I can’t lose you a second time.”
“Nothing’s going to happen to me.”
“You can’t promise me that.”
“Baby, stop worrying and go with it. Life is giving us a real shot. Let’s not fuck it up with what ifs.”
I know he’s right.
“You gonna stop all that worrying so I can eat and fuck you?” his finger slides back in my sweet spot. That mouth gets back to devouring me and yeah, I’m good. Better than good. I’m great.
I got the guy.
May have taken us twenty years to get here but we’re here.
James switches positions, moving to line the head of his cock up with me. “Fuck, pretty girl. Every time I slide right in its as though God himself has opened the gates to Heaven for me.”
I smile at that because I know exactly what he means. When our bodies meld together, only then do I truly feel whole.
Chapter Two
“Everyone in?” I glance around the table, noting that Hardy, AKA X, isn’t present. Brother did it and left for the Anchorage, Alaska Chapter. Good for him. Prodigy is back after spending some time out west looking after his mother. Crawl slips in at the last second.
East gives me a nod.
“Right. Where are we with this Cloud Nine business?”
“More reports of bodies turning up. Shit is hitting our streets hard. Lost another dancer from the Kitty Kat. She had two kids.” Hound shakes his head.
“Banks, see to it them kids are good.”
“Will do.”
“Anyone know where them Dry Ridge punks have set up shop?”
Crawl shrugs. There’s no point in asking Prodigy being he hasn’t been around.
“Not yet.” Viking sniffs. “Got my feelers out to the guys at the gym.”
“Need this shit settled.” I jerk my chin up when I realize I’m down another man. “Where’s Holy?”
Sandman grins and rubs his jaw. “Got a hit on his phantom. Went after her.”
“Right,” I mutter. Few months back I sent Viking and Holy after my niece and she gave them the slip. Holy takes it personal or some shit. “Call him back.”
“Last I spoke with him he said he’d be back in time for the wedding. Also told me to make sure I had a design ready for his brand,” Roane informs me.
“Shit. Bastard went and fell in love.” I massage my temples. Not even laid eyes on my blood and that little prick has already laid claim. Fuckin’ hell. “Best see to it you do then. Back to business. Anyone sees them sorry fucks pushing that shit in my town don’t take them out. Get eyes on’em, eventually it’ll lead us to the source. Those shit for brains has gotten smarter. They gotta have someone else bringing it in for them. I want to know who.”
I slam my gavel and excuse all my men except my VP.
East leans in. “You ready for this weekend?”
“Been waiting twenty years for it. I’m past ready.”
“Got the prospect getting the spare rooms ready for our guests. Should start arriving Friday.”
“Good. Good. Make sure the bar is stocked and Pam has extra food on reserve.” I pull out the blunt I’ve been saving and give it a sniff. “Wylla Mae say anything about this girl’s night?”
“What about it?”
I shrug. “What kind of entertainment they got lined up?” I fire up that blunt, suck in a heavy pull, smoke moves through my lungs, and I hold it in then exhale slowly, before passing it off to my son-in-law.
“Usual. Strippers and shit.”
“You good with that?”
“Fuck no. My woman doesn’t need to stare at no dick but mine. All due respect.”
“She’s grown. And hell, I like knowing she’s with you. Know you treat her right.”
“You know the men expect you to throw one hell of a party. I got Link and Viking putting it together. Tomorrow night. You gotta make an appearance. Show’em you ain’t growing soft and pussy whipped.”
Fucking hell. Who knows what them dickholes got planned? As for being pussy whipped, I know what the fuck I got, and I’m not going to mess it up. Got my woman. My dream girl in my bed every night. Finally have a relationship with my daughter after all this time. Got a granddaughter who means the world to me.
Got a VP worth a damn at my side. Everything is coming together. The club. My life. “You keeping the baby while this shit goes down?”
“Yeah, Link, Roane, and me are on baby duty. Meeting up at Link’s. You’re more than welcome to hang but I don’t think milk and cookies
is your thing.”
“No, but it could be if Lex gives me what I want.”
“She still hardballing you about this baby business?”
“Fuck if I know. Woman says one thing and does another.”
“You think a baby is a good idea, especially right now with this Cloud Nine and Dry Ridge Sinner business?”
“Not putting my life on hold again. I know what I want. Grab Hound. Let’s pay our buddy Ollie a visit.”
East shakes his head and puts the blunt out. He goes to hand it to me, but I shake my head.
“Leave it for next time.”
I go on out to climb on my Road King with East and Hound behind me. Ollie is no friend, but we have an understanding. He can sell his pills long as he doesn’t deal to my men or kids. If anyone has a line on this Cloud Nine, it’s him.
I ride up to the gate and Ollie’s man gives me a chin lift.
“Boss expecting you?”
The dumbfuck speaks into his walkie talkie, “Got some bastards here to see you.”
“Put’em through,” Ollie’s gruff voice rings out.
He knows we’re an enemy he doesn’t need. We ride through the maze of crushed cars and piles of scrap metal, weaving through the wreckage and debris until we reach his trailer in the back.
Ollie sits in his broken-down recliner weighing a good three fifty. Bet he’s not seen his dick since he hit puberty. A shotgun propped up next to him and a pistol in his lap. You don’t sell drugs unless you’re willing to pay the costs. Spitting a wad of tobacco onto the cement porch, he shifts to sit straighter and taller. “What brings you boys by? You come to scrap them scooters?”
Hound growls.
“We still good on our agreement?”
“Not sold to your men or any school kids if that’s what you’re asking.”
“What about Cloud Nine? You been running that?”
“You know who’s bringing it in? Gotta be bad for your bottom line having that competition.”
His beady eyes narrow. “I don’t like your tone.”